User Guide
The summary view shows all of the skills in the routine and a breakdown of the individual parts of the D-Score. This view also highlights the dismount with a gold dot for easy identification.
Difficulty Value
The Difficulty Value view highlights the skills comprising the DV segment of the overall score.
Compositional Requirements
The Composition Requimrents view highlights the skills which fulfill each of the CR points.
Connection Value
The Connection Values view shows a breakdown of the CV awarded for the routine.

Favourite Skills
New in Gymsymbol is the abiltiy to tag your favourite skills. Having the most common skills in routines saved as favourites will make it easier to compose a routine. For example, in the form for creating a new routine, this can give you quick access to round-off, backhandspring skills on floor exercise, kips and casts on uneven bars, or other skills you expect to use frequently in your routines.
The easiet way to tag a favourite is to long-press the skill's button on the main skill grid view. You can also tap the heart in the bottom right corner of a skill's detail view.
To view all of your favourites, use the drop-down menu in the upper right of the grid view.

Creating a New Routine
In the Routines screen, tap the plus ("+") button in the upper right menu and select the apparatus for your new routine.
This will present the form you will use to select skills for your routine. The form also provides a field for naming your routine. The buttons at the bottom of this form allow two methods for adding skills. By default, you will see buttons labelled A, B, C, D, E and F+. Tapping these buttons will add a "generic" skill of the relevant value to the grid of skills in the routine. If you tap the heart button, the generic skills will be replaced with your favourites for this apparatus. Use the counterclockwise arrow to clear the grid and the backspace button to delete the last skill in the grid.
Once you have added skills to your routine's grid, you may tap on one to mark it with a gold ring and present the skill selector panel. Replace the skill currently in the highlighted button with any new one of the same value. The skill selector panel also allows you to toggle between showing all skills of the current value or filtering to show your favourite skills of that value.

Calculating the D Score
Once you have selected all the skills you want to see in your routine* and given the routine a name, save the routine by tapping "Add" in the upper right corner of the form.
Next, open your new routine. You will see all of the skills in the now familiar grid, but the D Score parts will be 0.0 until you select skills to calculate them.
Begin by tapping the red DV button at the bottom of the screen. This view shows which skills you have included in the DV score.
Tapping skills adds or subtracts them from the DV score. It is up to you to select them correctly such as the minimum dance and acro skills on beam and floor and selecting the dismount.

Composition Requirements
Selecting skills for CR is much like selecting skills for DV. However, you must first click one of the "number" buttons, 1, 2, 3 or 4 to confirm for which CR you are selecting a skill or skills.

Connection Value and Series Bonus
Next you may move to selecting skills for CV and SB. Like DV, tap the skills which should receive CV. As you do so, "chains" will appear and connected skills will be given 0.1 in CV. To increase the CV, simply tap the second skill in the connection and the CV will be raised to 0.2. Tap again to remove the CV. In cases where two CV chains are consecutive, long press the first skill in the second chain and selected "Mark as First Skill in Connection".
Series Bonus is presented on a seperate screen in the app, but works much the same way as CV.

Dismount Bonus and Notation
Now return to the summary view to add dismount bonus. To add this bonus, tap on the yellow Dismount Bonus button to activate it. When activated, this text is underlined.
Now you may tap on the skill which should count as the dismount to mark it with a gold badge. If the skill you select is a D or higher valued skill, 0.2 will be added to the final D Score.
Now that you have completed your routine, you may tap the grid button in the upper right corner of the screen to toggle the skill grid view and the notation view.
Sharing your routine
Gymsymbol offers several options for sharing your routine. To share your routine, tap the "up arrow and box" at the top of the screen.